Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Domestic and Community Violence Essay

Domestic abuse and child abuse cases have been on the rise in the recent past causing child and human rights activists to seek for ways of containing the situation. Previous studies have concluded that the cases of child abuse and domestic violence have risen in America and the world at large because of poor approaches used to contain them. In addition, the shocking news that more than 1,200 children die each year due to child abuse and a good percentage of them are girls less than 16years is worrying both parents and teachers. The rise in violence prevalence has been attributed to; poor child upbringing, poverty, modernization, lack of knowledge and neglect because studies have proved that abused ‘children’ will abuse their children in future etc (Nocav and Bourbonnais, 2002) The following issues indicate different stories; First, the U. S Advisory Board on Child Abuse has suggested that both child abuse and domestic violence may be the single major precursor to the main fatalities in the country hence the seriousness of the matter. This has come at a time when a survey conducted early this year found out that school age children who witness and exhibit violence of any form not only in their families but also in the churches, towns or schools suffer from problems such as; anxiety, depression and violence towards their peers. This calls for urgent strategies to prevent and address them at once. The best of them is the use of teachers to counsel the abused children, report suspected cases or take any necessary action that will be suitable. Teachers and domestic violence initiative program It has been noticed that more and more cases of child and domestic violence go unnoticed because of stigmatization or fear of retaliation especially by children. The main solution according to this program is to use the interactive ability of our teachers in schools to strictly follow any cases of suspected child abuse either directed to the child or to the parents. Children are very talkative especially with good interaction with their teachers are golden opportunities that can be used to assist those fighting the vice to get access to unreported cases. The objective of this program is to improve system and community responses of abuse of children and their families. All people today face the challenge of developing enhanced policies and programs to meet the increased need for curbing child abuse cases. This program will therefore ensure that members of the community respond immediately to allegations of child and women abuse. This report will deal with a program suitable for teachers in our schools to be in the front line in preventing domestic violence in our society. (Lupton and Power, 2002) The program considers the motivational tactics of getting teachers interact with their children outside the classroom and that they get the opportunity of knowing the problems children undergo while in class. It is obvious that children’s performance while in class reduce especially for abused children. In this program, teachers especially those teachers who teach children in lower grade classes will be taken through training sessions on how to interact more effectively with their students in class. The training sessions will also include learning the signs of domestically abused of sexually abused children The program will involve the utilization of services from survivors and activists who will keep the tracers well informed and properly equipped with the skills to handle, report and discuss cases of violence through the children. In that case, the children will be able to inform their teachers that their parents were quarrelling last night, they were raped last week or even misused over the weekend. These and other reporting tactics will be fundamental in helping the police to further investigate the allegations. As long as they will be funds to help schools identify troubled and troubled children at an early stage, it will be possible to rectify any impacts that might have been created by the abuses children go through. This program will therefore go a long way in boosting reconciliation and cutting incidences of crime and violence in our schools and society. When children are troubled and very disruptive in schools and at home, that is a sign of warning that children are either not being taken care of or they are experiencing some bad habits at home. It is then that teachers, parents and counselors come to look for causes of the wearied behaviors. The program described above will help in ensuring that such kind of strategies is achieved. (Nocav and Bourbonnais, 2002) Conclusion Teachers have a role to play in eradication domestic violence and child abuse in our society. They can do so by creating close interactions with their students who will then reveal what happens behind the curtains either to themselves or the house-help or any of their parents. Since the teachers will be given the opportunity to learn more about social and domestic violence, then it will be possible to change social and institutional norms that perpetuate family violence in the future. Together with other domestic violence programs, child welfare agencies and community organizers everybody can take part in forming effective collaborations and build partnership that will at the long run promote safe and health families. References Nocav, S. and Bourbonnais, C. (2002): No Room of Her Own. A Literature Review on â€Å"Women and Homelessness† CMHC Ottawa Lupton, R and Power, A. (2002): Social Exclusion & Neighborhoods. In Understanding Social Exclusion† Hills J, Le Grand J. & Piachaud D. Edn pp. 118- 140: Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


There are various ways for the employees to voice out their dissatisfaction_ One of the ways is by using picketing. Under section 40 of Industrial Relation Act allow workers to attend at or near their workplace when they have a trade dispute. The purpose of picketing are communicate issues to the public and members the employers. Picketing also held at lunch time, and before or after working hours. Picketing is enforceable by law as long as it must not intimidate anyone. Must not obstruct the entrance or exit the organization. 3. Summarization National Union of Bank employees (NUMB) held another picket on the issue for discriminating its Muslim employees and also In support with the 27 employees that have been sacked by the bank. The picket was held at Clan Tuna Appear. The Muslim employees had been discriminated by disallowed them from performing their prayers in the office by the management. They had been sacked because they did not agree to transferred to other branches. They had been discussed with the upper management but no action taken by the authorities to settle the Issues.They will intone to fight for the workers until Hong Leone Bank reinstate the sacked 27 employees. The Mole when contacted with Shirring Oarsman officer of Hong Leone Bank stated that the fact of disallowed Muslim employees was untrue statement. They are not allowed because sugar Is located In a secured area as they were not the staff of the branches and they just only the NUMB members. No one is allowed to entered into a secured area as it has been a standard security policy of any financial institution.She also stated that its staff had been allowed to perform their prayers thou any prejudice. 33 Mall Issues The Issues arises Is discriminates Its Muslim employees by disallowed them to perform their prayers at Sugar. As the officer offing Leone state that the Muslim employees is not the staff of Hong Leone Bank. Many negotiations had been taken by the employees but all the negotiati ons is not success because there Is no action taken by them. The Muslim officials In the Human Resource Ministry,the Government and the authorities failed to protect Islam and Muslim employees.Besides that, 27 employees in the Hong Leone Bank were sacked because they did to agree to be transferred to other branches. 3. 4 Background Issue Among 300 of NUMB members held a picket at Clan Tuna Appear regarding to the Issues of discriminating Muslim employees by disallowed them to perform their Solar at Sugar and over 27 employees were sacked. This is because Sugar is located at the secured area. It is a security standard policy no one can entered into that area except for the staff of Hong Leone Bank. The officer of Hong Leone Bank state that they are not the Hong Leone Bank but they are NUMB members.Abdul Jamie as Vice President f Numb members reiterated the statement that Numb members are also the Hong Leone Employees. During the time of 2 December until 18 December they are still und er Hong Leone employment. NUMB General Secretary enforce Balance Ministry to take legal action for these discrimination. Hong Leone Bank cannot said that NUMB members is not Hong Lemon's employees. Besides that, over 27 employees were 1 OFF discussions were held but none of the ministry take action over these issues. Tan stated that the transfer is necessary to increase the effectiveness and efficiency ofHong Leone Bank. 3. 5 Analysis Many of the Numb members held a pickets to ensure that their dissatisfaction can being heard by the public. Among the issues arises is the discrimination towards Muslim employees. Muslim employees had been disallowed to perform their prayer at the Sugar. Department of Labor will remind the employers the right of Muslim employees. Besides that over 27 employees were sacked. Their termination is not valid without a valid reasons as they disagree to transfer to other branches and then they were sacked.For the dismissal of the contract the employers should at least give notice of termination. Under section 12 of Employment Act 1955 state that, Either party to a contract of service may at any time give to the other party notice of his intention to terminate such contract of service. In the Industrial Relation Act section 20 provides machinery for an employers to dismissed its employees. The employees can make claims if they believe their termination is without a valid reasons.If the Court agree that their termination is without a valid reasons under section 14 of the Employment act 1955,then the Court will reinstated their termination. 3. 6 Recommendation The company may used Conciliation to solve their problems. By using third party as a conciliator. Conciliator is one of the officer of Department of Industrial Relation. The conciliator will meet the both parties whether separately or Jointly. The conciliator will briefing the problems and help the parties to achieves mutual agreement. This way can be used if the negotiations is not useful.The conciliator will give the recommendations and advice. 3. Conclusion Discrimination on the Muslim employees should be stopped by the government. Under article 11 of the Federal Constitution state that every person have the right to practice their own religion and to propagate it. The employer has no right to obstruct Muslim employees to perform their prayers. Regarding the issues of termination without valid reason is void. As it contravene with the Employment Act. The employer must give a notice of a services before dismiss their employees. If the issues can be settled it would create harmonious work environment. Inflation The cost of inflation depends on two cases; perfectly anticipated inflation and unanticipated inflation. Anticipated inflation is defined when individuals are able to make accurate predictions of inflation, they can take steps to protect themselves from its effects. Also, trade unions might use their bargaining power to negotiate for increases in money wages to protect the real wages of union members. Households may want to switch savings into accounts offering a higher rate of interest or into other financial assets where capital gains might exceed price inflation.Businesses can adjust their prices and lenders can adjust interest rates. However, businesses may also seek to hedge against future price movements by transacting in â€Å"forward markets†. For example, many airlines such as Bahamas-Air may buy their fuel months in advance as a protection or ‘hedge' against fluctuations in world oil prices. In Contrast, When inflation is unanticipated, individuals do not reali ze that they should protect their real purchasing power against a rising price level until the price level has already risen and their real purchasing power has already fallen.In this instance, there will be gainers and losers, in terms of purchasing power, from the inflation. In general, unanticipated inflation causes a misallocation of resources. Firms, unions, banks, will push prices and wages up. Those who can do it best will cause a misallocation of resources. For example suppose workers at manufacturing companies in the Bahamas wage increases, and public employees don't. Then, resources (labor) will be reallocated due to the relative market power of the different workers.But more importantly, lenders such as Banks will lose with respect to borrowers, giving individuals an incentive to borrow. For instance, when Bahamian people take out mortgages in order to buy houses at fixed interest rates, they end up aying back less in real terms than they had contracted for, wealth is the n redistributed from banks and other financial institutions to homeowners with mortgages. In relative terms, borrowing becomes cheaper than paying in cash.Another example would be if individuals who retire on pensions that are fixed in nominal amount will find the values of those pensions in terms of the goods they buy eroded as years pass, in this case the redistribution is from pensioners to the owners of insurance companies and other financial institutions that have contracted to pay them fixed dollar amounts. Alternatively, individuals have the incentive to spend now before the price level rises further.This however, will push prices up even faster, and may cause the inflation rate to accelerate and if uncertainty continue to increase, consumers and investors become less certain about the future, as prices rise in an unanticipated fashion. They may change their pattern of spending, and be less willing to undertake projects that take a long time to payoff. The Costs of Hyperinfla tion. Hyperinflation is define when the prices of most goods and services skyrocket, usually more than 50% a month. It usually starts when a country's Federal government begins printing money to pay for fiscal spending.As the money supply increases, prices creep up as in regular inflation. However, instead of tightening the money supply to lower inflation, the government keeps printing more money to pay for spending. Once consumers realize what is happening, they expect intlation. T causes them to buy more now to avoid paying a higher price later. This boosts demand, causing inflation to spiral out of control. The only winners in hyperinflation are those who borrowed before the hyperinflation. Fortunately, the Bahamas have ever experienced hyperinflation but other countries such as Germany and Zimbabwe has.But if the Bahamas was to experience hyperinflation like Germany, the consumers can expect 1 . Inflation Expectations and Wage Demands: Price increases lead to higher wage demands as people try to maintain their real living standards. This process is known as a Wage-price spiral'. 2. Arbitrary Re-Distributions of Income: Inflation tends to hurt people in Jobs with poor bargaining positions in the labour market – for example people in low paid Jobs with little or no trade union protection may see the real value of their pay fall.Inflation can also favour borrowers at the expense of savers as inflation erodes the real value of existing debts. 3. Business Planning and Investment: Inflation can disrupt business planning. Budgeting becomes difficult because of the uncertainty created by rising inflation of both prices and costs – and this may reduce planned investment spending. 4. Competitiveness and Unemployment: Inflation is a possible cause of higher unemployment in the medium term if one country experiences a much higher rate of inflation than another, leading to a loss of international competitiveness and a subsequent worsening of their trade p erformance.

Monday, July 29, 2019

International Law - UN, NATO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Law - UN, NATO - Essay Example Twice in the annals of world history has there been marked deterioration in peace resulting in large scale usage of force to kill people and destroy nations that took centuries to build. The positive outcome of these two wars is in the form of United Nations to debunk any attempt by any of the nations to go to war. The history of peace can possibly look at to have started with the Peace of Westphalia in 1658 and the Treaty of Pyrenees in 1659 (Jackson RH & Owens P, 2005, p53). These treaties gain significance because of the recognition they gave to the nation states and their existence. Much of the work done during this phase of the long wars, brought about the thinking that resulted in the formation of League of Nations at the end of the First World War. With the end of the First World War, there was a wide spread thought of bringing lasting peace to the world. In line with Paris Peace Conference of 1919, the League of Nations was born (George Gill, 1996). But that was not to be. However, the formation and the failure of the League was a lesson in the formation of the United Nations later on after the Second World War. The thought process, as George Gill (1996) points out, was also influenced by the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928. In this precursor of a pact, sixty two countries signed for not u sing war for cases that can be resolved by using diplomacy. In the early days of the United Nations with countries existing mostly under the two separate units, more as a bipolar world, the rules were made to contain either of them. With NATO and the Warsaw Pact countries raging a cold war that sent them up into a spiral of weapons race and tall claims of technological marvels the UN was a table to bring both the groups together (Bruno Simma, 1995). The significance of every one of the Articles in the UN Charter should be examined under this purview. It should also be noted that with the rapid change in the political climate of the world and the world moving from the bipolar to a unilateral structure, many of these Articles could lose their sheen. The Articles of the UN charter (Charter of the United Nations, 2007) that is of interest in the current context are the following: Article 2(4):- [a]ll Members [of the UN] shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations. While this article provides for the complete ban on the use of force, there are specific exceptions that the UN Charter allows (Bruno Simma, 1995). These are essentially in the form two Articles that provide for these instances of exception. Article 51:- Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analyzing aspects of the employment process Essay

Analyzing aspects of the employment process - Essay Example ying weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities for improvement and skills development" (Introduction: Performance Appraisal). Hence, the importance of performance evaluation becomes obvious and can be applied to our organization through various methodologies including graphic scale, checklist, forced choice, ranking, paired comparison, forced distribution, MBO, and BARS (Dessler, 2000) as well as with the aid of incentives, bonuses and word of appreciation and a pat on the back. Research by Luis et al. (2001) suggests that performance evaluation when applied adequately can reap massive fruitful results including improved customer satisfaction diffusing from employee satisfaction, ameliorated work performance and product quality, ease in retaining trained and diligent work force and so on and so forth. Planning and strategic decisions about recruiting include both internal and external recruiting. There are various internal sources of recruiting that work effectively to accomplish the targeted organizational goals. As Buford, Bedeian & Lindner (1995) & Zoller (1996) define, "recruiting is the process of generating a sufficiently large group of applicants from which to select qualified individuals for available jobs" and apart from the external sources including media advertising, walk-ins, public and private employment agencies, educational institutions, state agencies, government programs, direct recruiting (Lindner & Zoller), there are internal sources that are effective. These internal sources of recruiting include employee referrals and internal job postings (Lindner & Zoller). Good, experienced, trained and hard working employees when make referrals, organizations must feel obliged. This is because, employee referral is one internal source that has so far proved quite effecti ve in the recruiting procedure worldwide. Employee referrals minimize the work load and share the responsibility with the management which otherwise remains solely responsible for recruiting the right people at the right time (Lindner & Zoller). What makes this internal source effective is the reason that those applicants that are referred by the working employees have a clearer picture of the organizational expectations, aims and vision and can shape their expectations from the organization and their duties accordingly in a better fashion than applicants that are recruited directly through other sources (Lindner & Zoller). Another very effective internal source of recruiting is internal job postings. Vacancies year round can be filled in by the working as well as the deserving employees that can be found, located and analyzed internally through the application of performance appraisal. "These vacancies may represent promotions (upward moves) or transfers (lateral moves). Posting an d circulating notices of vacancies maximizes employee awareness of job openings. The notice should include such items as title, department, job summary, qualifications, and salary and should be placed on bulletin boards,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Working with Leading People for a Business to Be Successful Essay

Working with Leading People for a Business to Be Successful - Essay Example For instance, many giants succumb to poor management hence losing their client base and impact in a market. Therefore, the recruitment process is very delicate, as it becomes a company’s navigating factor and foundation. In essence, improvement on the standard level of Delicious food entails the application of various influential factors. Majorly, effectiveness and competency in the selection process are inevitable, as the overall task requires utmost sobriety. In addition, the process needs to be vigorous with every shortlisted candidate aiming to outdo the other for them to get the managerial position advertised. Primarily, the experience possessed by these candidates will not be very substantial during the selection procedure. The most suitable candidates will be those with high prospects of bringing fresh and innovative ideas on the expansion of Delicious Food’s market presence will be high. The objective of this paper shall be to state the selection process by givi ng all that is required in order for the company to achieve its ultimate objective. Steps in the selection process Recruitment a) Job advertisement: Do you possess what it takes to be a team player? Are you the result-oriented kind of leader? Then Delicious Food Company is looking to collaborate with you to venture in to wider markets. If you have these attributes kindly, send your application and resume to our recruitment desk for your chance to be part of this great process. Remember you need to stand out for us to notice that you have what it takes us to bring you aboard our stable. b) Question segment: i. Describe yourself in a way that another person would view you. ii. Kindly discuss a situation in relation to your previous job responsibility as to how you were a team player and not a boss. iii. Do you have any firsthand experience in the development and oversight of new projects? iv. How would you adapt to changes in the event that they occur and how will you spearhead your t eam in to smooth adaptation of the change? v. How would you handle a member of staff whose output adds little value to the company? In line with Delicious Food Company’s mission of rolling out new branches countrywide, the managers will have to prove to the recruiting body that they are capable of building a project from scratch then nurture it to maturity. The task will be enormous, as it will entail them to begin a branch and ensure that it realizes profit. In essence, each will have to give a detailed plan of the steps that they intend to follow ensure that their individual branches realize profit. Therefore, for the recruitment department, it will be more on innovativeness rather than value addition. Competition among the shortlisted individuals will assist the department in identifying those who are most viable and able to perform. Ideally, effectiveness of the process will rely on giving each candidate the opportunity to exhibit his or her full potential hence making it a credible process. Legally, it would be risky to enroll the services of individuals without conducting intense background checks. Subsequently, the Human Resource department will scrutinize whether these candidates have acted out any form of fraud or whether they are on the police’s list of the most wanted. Essentially, doing this check will save Delicious Food Company from being in any legal suit. In addition, the shortlisted individuals should point out what their intended pay will be to avoid any legal confrontations once in office. Ethically, the moral aspects set by society have to come into play by carefully factoring the candidates’ states and conditions. Emphasis should be on avoiding any form of discrimination during the process as it may attract unintended lawsuits. Arguably, the

Management. Business function and processes (Tourism) Research Paper

Management. Business function and processes (Tourism) - Research Paper Example During next few years, TUI developed and changed its production from industrial segment to a modern tourism and shipping company. The general credibility of the TUI is quite excellent. Strategically today TUI is the largest and leading tourism and shipping organization of the world, operationally active mainly in Central, Northern and Western Europe while it has the networks across the Europe as well. The inventory of TUI is decorated with hotels, restaurants, retail stores, container ships, travel agencies and airlines. TUI has â‚ ¬14,917.5 million current and non-current net assets and liabilities (Interim Annual Report, 2009). On December 2008, TUI had 70,200 employees (TUI Annual Report, 2008), 285 hotels with 163,000 beds in 28 different countries including 84% four or five star hotels, 79 tour operators in 18 countries, 120 aircraft, 10 cruise liners, and 443 subsidiary companies ( At present, TUI AG has 43.3% shares in Hapag-Lloyd AG. During the fiscal y ear 2008, TUI had revenue about â‚ ¬759 million. One of the unmatchable entrepreneurial landmarks of TUI is its continuous structural progress and upgrading services offered to worldwide customers. Contrary to its rivalries, TUI is very successful in both the tourism and shipping divisions because of its advanced attractive products and services as well as the expansion of new and strong brands. However, the performance of TUI has been affected badly due to ongoing war against terrorism, natural calamities, global recession and lack of customer confidence. Prior to 9/11, TUI had more dynamic growth from 1995 to 2001. Post 9/11 affects really restricted the TUI’s expansion strategy especially in various countries of Asia. Since China is an emerging market, therefore TUI had planned a broad strategy but war in Afghanistan and its further affects in Pakistan kept TUI to hold up its venture in China ( In such political and military situations, TUI decided to launch its new segment in the form of a network of fast food outlets in major cities of UK and Greece instead of Asia. The long term success of TUI in Europe also forced its top management to expand the company’s growth into competitive markets of Eastern Europe. With the intention of mounting its potential, developing activities, and to attain a sustainable lead against its rivalries, TUI has decided to launch its tourism network in the markets of UK and Greece. In the first phase of its new project, 10 fast food units

Friday, July 26, 2019

South Korea's governmental tourism marketing communication strategy Essay

South Korea's governmental tourism marketing communication strategy - Essay Example Although a huge set of the government has applied marketing strategies. It still has not been possible to set the tourism industry of South Korea on a steady and continuous growth path, although there has been a huge increase in the number of inbound tourists and amount of revenues generating from this sector in recent times compared to two-three decades ago. The growth trends of tourist volume and revenues have always been fluctuating. Hence, this paper makes an attempt to examine the governmental marketing communication strategies by evaluating the opportunities they provide and the challenges they face. After evaluating the current marketing strategies this paper also provides some recommendation for future marketing communication strategy so that more tourists visit the nation in coming years. Tourism is one of the largest industries in the world. In most of the countries it belongs to the top three industries. It has become one of the fastest growing sectors and one of the key drivers of the economies. It provides huge number of employment also. Tourism in any country is influenced by a number of factors like demographical conditions, several social issues, some political drivers like General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs (GATT), agreements on forming several trade blocks, globalization, redrawing of political map, aspects of safety, security, risk factors, climatic conditions, efficiency of human resource elements of the tourism industry, new forms of tourisms, changing pattern of tourism products and so on. Some of these factors can be controlled while some others are beyond any control. Apart from all of these factors, there exists one vital factor to enhance the attractiveness of a place as a tourist destination. It is an appropriate marketing communication strategy, which plays a vital role in increasing the flow of tourists to a certain place. It could be that a particular place possesses immense natural

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Research and Statistics Module assignment Essay

Research and Statistics Module assignment - Essay Example ve shareholders as to their decision to continue maintaining money in the stocks which they have already invested or for future investors, to invest in stocks of companies. The earnings per share will give the investor one of the major factors in stocks investment. Between two or more companies, the investor is advised to invest in the company with the higher, or even highest, earnings per share. For if we apply probability here, if the company has a very high earnings per share and the earnings per share thru the many years of operation is increasing or remains the same, income producing, for the many years of historical experience, then this company is a very wise investment alternative. Gearing.( is generated by dividing long term liabilities (Stickney, C & Weil, R, Financial Accounting 8th ed. Page 10 Dryden Press, Florida 1997) by equity shareholders’ funds. We should also study Gearing because the definition of gearing mean the relationship between long term liabilities has and the capital investment employed. The gearing ratio gives us a tip on which investment to invest our money in. The ideal situation is that the capital investment balance should be more than the liabilities or loan balance. Liabilities refers to both short term (loans payable within one year after the end of the balance sheet[Spiceland, D & Sepe, J, Intermediate Accounting, Page 212, McGrawhill, 1998, USA] date) or long term liabilities ( loans payable for more than one year after the end of the balance sheet date.) The accounting equation ( this formula is the one presented in the balance sheet) is Total assets ( includes cash, receivables from customers, inventory, buildings, office equipment, factory equipment, land, other items that is owned by the corporation either bought thru cash or loan agreements) is equal to the sum of all liabilities ( already explaine d above) and total capital. Capital includes the investments

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sources of Power Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sources of Power Paper - Essay Example The motive of public leadership is to set a vision and motivate people to follow it with the purpose of ensuring unity. These leaders create a positive environment and promote shared standards and high performances filled with team spirit and trust. They also aim to drive successful actions and results collectively. The United States of America has a total of 435 constituencies and each have their own public leader. The federal government in the USA is not supposed to intervene in the policies of the constituencies set by the public leaders. These leaders may take help from the Congress who provides them with members to help them with their problems. The major role of the Congress is to provide service to the constituents by assisting them in providing members to win elections. These constituencies have their own voting and elections in which only the people of that constituency will be able to vote. Public leaders of constituencies can be elected by their constituents and their laws can be limited to their constituencies only (Rehfield, 2005). Constituencies in the United States of America are also known as electoral districts. These electoral districts were seen important in the American politics as they influenced the presidential elections. This was mainly because of certain groups that were not allowed to vote before the civil rights act such as the minorities. Electoral districts allowed the blacks to choose their own public leaders through constituency elections. The systems of these constituencies could be decided and created by the public leaders as far as they followed the American constitution. In 1963, the election system of Georgia was called unconstitutional and invalid as it violated the constitutional amendments. In America, the constituencies can have their own leaders and policies thus they can set rules according to their constituencies’ features and needs. This is because of the power which is assigned to them by the constitution and position. The source of their power is their position, their personal powers and through their people. Before the civil rights act, the blacks were discriminated from voting and participating in elections. The electoral districts have given the blacks representation from constituencies where they are in majority (Rehfield, 2005). In the same way, the rural areas have gained representation and participation in presidential elections. However, there are still constituencies where indirect discrimination exists against blacks such as the policy to allow voting to those who have driving licenses knowing that blacks couldn’t afford them. The public leaders elected in the electoral constituencies have constitutional powers. These elected members become the members of the House of Representatives. They are given the powers to create laws and policies for their constituencies. They also participate in the House of Representatives and present their views for their constituency. The pu blic leaders are assigned those powers that are not in the hands of the federal or state government. Some of the aspects are left for the constituency leaders who set laws according to their region’s needs and demands. They play an important role in bringing their constituents together and motivating them towards a single goal. The positional power is not based on the person’s conduct or behavior, but only on the number of votes that he achieved to gain that position. The US Supreme Court has concluded that the federal government cannot intervene in the lawmaking of the constituencies’ leaders unless they are unconstitutional. The public leaders also have personal power which is derived from their own expertise and knowledge. They are given the powers because of their skills and abilities to deal with them such as

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The role of stress and depression in fibromyalgia Essay

The role of stress and depression in fibromyalgia - Essay Example The term ‘fibromyalgia’ means pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons. It is a confusing and often misdiagnosed condition. Perhaps fibromyalgia could be better explained to some by discussing the following: Fibromyalgia is defined as a â€Å"†¦chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points that occurs in precise, localized areas, particularly in the neck, spine, shoulders, and hips; also may cause sleep disturbances, morning stiffness, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, and other symptoms.† (â€Å"UK HealthCare†, 2005). It is a complex and painful condition, which occurs primarily – about 80% of the time – in women. It affects up to 5% of the entire population, including children. Many medical professionals believe that there is a connection between fibromyalgia and chronic sleep disorder, and in fact some even theorize that they are actually the same syndrome. The symptoms and signs of fibromyalgia can be minute, large, often painful, and sometimes even debilitating, but are not life threatening. Symptoms of this disorder include: aching, burning or throbbing pain, sleeping disorders, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, cramps, diarrhea, numbness or tingling sensations, chronic headaches, heightened sensitivity to such things as loud noises and bright lights, painful menstrual periods, painful sexual intercourse, frequent urination, rapid or irregular heart rate, shortness of breath, impaired memory and concentration, skin sensitivities and rashes, dry eyes and mouth, anxiety, depression, ringing in the ears, dizziness, vision problems, and sensation of swelling in the hands and feet – just to name the most common. Pain is the primary symptom, and is reported in virtually 100% of cases, most often in areas of the following: back of the head, elbows, hips, knees, neck, upper back, and upper chest. The severity of this pain is

Monday, July 22, 2019

Classroom - Toelf Essay Essay Example for Free

Classroom Toelf Essay Essay In general, most people tend to view things differently, even whether if classrooms environment should be interactive or not. To some people, they may think that classrooms are places where teachers lecture and the students listen. However, in my opinion, I believe that classrooms should be interactive. The following cases and examples will help support my point of view. People have different backgrounds. Students, especially in international schools, have varying backgrounds, which may result in different views. A classroom is a place for learning experiences, therefore, it is crucial that varying opinions are brought to the table. Take the example of a business class. In discussing whether or not coffee stands should be locate within the campus or outside, the teacher may Do you think that students will always understand every single thing the teacher lecture about if they weren’t allow to ask questions? In complicated classes such as math or science there are many things that usually confuse the students. It is nigh impossible for the teacher to be able to make sure that everyone understands, let alone knowing whom doesn’t what. Courage. When your kids grow up, they do not work alone. Courage is an important aspect in working with others, whether it is to lead or just to follow. In the case of Pearson Hardman, an international law firm, they seek not only people with knowledge but also people who have individuality, people who could think for themselves and are not afraid to express their opinion. Where is a better place to develop those traits than in classrooms. Classrooms where students are allowed, and encouraged, to speak out their mind. In conclusion, it is hard to make all people view things in the same way, even in the case of whether or not classrooms should be interactive. Some people may agree that it should not be because discussions may lead to the teacher not being able to teaches everything he intended to. However, to me, I strongly agree that classrooms should be interactive. The examples and cases mentioned above have supported my point of view to the best.

The Effects of Technology on Decision Making Essay Example for Free

The Effects of Technology on Decision Making Essay Computer systems are one way that health care providers have integrated technology into the medical field. Each computer system is unique, yet all have a purpose, function and structure. Deciding what computer system to choose, what software programs to incorporate and what the computer is needed to do are just a few burdens that have to be weighed when deciding which is best suited for the health care organization. Many health care organizations elect to incorporate decision support systems. Decision support systems have been in increasing patient quality of care, increasing positive patient outcomes and decreasing the potential of medical errors. Bar coding, robotics, interactive websites, electronic medical records, and e-scribing are just a few advances in technology. â€Å"Advances in software, hardware, and networking all share common impact attributes in their ability to improve cost-effectiveness of care, quality of care, and access to care† (Nobel Norman, 2003). With these attributes, the benefits are numerous in assisting with decision making in all aspects of health care. A discussion on the DIK Mode The key to the complex relationship between data, information, and knowledge lies at the source of data and information. The source of data and information is dual: activities, and situations. Both activities and situations produce information (e. g. , ‘relevant meaning’ to someone) that is captured, thus becoming data, or becomes unaware. The key to understanding the relationship between information and knowledge is to know where the information resides. Recollect that information is at its soul message that is generated from activities and situations. However, information resides in storage media (e. g. , database, print, video tapes, etc. ) in the form of data, or in the human mind as knowledge (in its simplest form of know-what or the higher forms of know-how and know-why). If this is the case, then extend between data and information in association with information and knowledge becomes evident, e. g. , they occupy different space at the same time. This also explains why many distinguish data and information, as well as information and knowledge as well suited. †¦one man’s data can be another man’s knowledge, and vice versa, depending on context† (Stewart, 2002, p. 6). However, they are not exchangeable in terms of their accepted distinct definitions. So, what is a book; knowledge, information or data? It is all the above in various context. A book is knowledge from the author’s perspective, information for the impending reader, and data as well which is contained in a storage media (called ‘book’). A discussion of systems and informatics theories Direct communication represents an information processing world of systems. Systems have been designed to provide access to data, information, and knowledge for use by nurses in a multifaceted and culturally diverse world. â€Å"A system is defined as a series of well designed mechanism connected by communication links exhibiting resolute, goal directed behavior† (King, 1996 p. 61). A common language among nurses worldwide would describe the categories of various systems wherever they occur. Nurses are becoming more knowledgeable of the technologies offered as health care organizations across the world incorporate technology into their practices. Considering the nurse has the responsibility of the majority of the documentation, it is important to incorporate aspects of nursing classification systems to help with decision making. The transaction Process in King’s theory when used in interdisciplinary teams facilitates mutual goal-setting with patients based on each member of the team’s specific knowledge and functions. This often facilitates role similarity and respect for the knowledge, skills, and values each member brings to the situation. An example of the usefulness of the nursing process, as process in technology use is the documentation of the nursing process in the computerized healthcare record. Information technology has enabled healthcare organizations to function as incorporated healthcare delivery networks, improve quality, and become socially and environmentally responsive (Davenport, Jarvenpaa, Beers, 1996; Tapscott Caston, 1993). Nursing data must be included in computerized information systems in organizations or the nurse’s documentation becomes invisible. The nursing process is much broader than â€Å"steps,† the nursing process is an international method to use the discipline’s body of knowledge organized in the structure of theory and nursing and nursing classifications. With emerging technology, and the integration of software applications, the ability to incorporate the nursing process and other health care information into a digital system has become a reality. As technology advances, incorporation of decision support systems also advances. The use of expert systems and decision support systems further the ability for technology to engage in decision making. The role of expert system in nursing care and medicine Expert systems in medicine are computer programs that make human based decisions by copying the judgments and behavior of humans, based on knowledge and experience from previous diagnosis and investigation derived from treatment and long-term care of patients with similar conditions as the present. That is why expert system is referred to as knowledge- base information system. The expert system is an artificial intelligent branch of computer generated thought with a very narrow focus. It is used in health care because the system functions very well with specific activities or problems and a discrete database of digitalized facts, rules, cases and models. Using patient data, its incorporated knowledge base, its inference engine, and the expert system can derive specific advice related to the case being treated. Expert systems basically act as if a Doctor or Nurse would, when they make a decision on courses of treatment. Diagnosing, predicting, interpreting and instructing are four interactive roles that form the activities of the expert system. The use of decision aids and decision support systems Decision support systems usually have numerous functions when used in hospital or healthcare settings. They are mostly used in specific decision-making activities. Decision support system relies on computer hardware, software and information for effective function. They can be used as knowledge-based and also as non- knowledge -base. One of its functions is administrative, in which they help in documentation of clinical information, decide whether a procedure is appropriate for treating a certain condition, and decide if a referral is necessary, to whom or where, and make follow-ups on the referrals. They help in keeping patients on protocol in situations like chemotherapy treatment or just research. Decision support systems also help in tracking orders whether medical or external shipments. They are very efficient in avoiding mistakes such as scheduling unnecessary tests. Most importantly, Decision support systems help in making the right diagnosis, providing different treatment options and suggesting the better option, and help look after the patients and hospital population as a whole. Decision aids are mostly used in helping the patient or care-giver decide which treatment is best for the condition being considered. Decision aids can also be used in referrals of patient to nurse call-centers or patient education services available. In the future decision support system will incorporate four criteria; robustness, ease of control, simplicity, and completeness of relevant detail. Reusability will be proficient through some type of software or hardware framework in compliance to Alter’s model, enabling companies to take benefit of basic, generalized models common to a range of scenarios. The history of Decision Support Systems is a short one, making it easy to map out the steps and growth of this relatively new concept. Even small improvements to current systems will enable all companies to make improved decisions about the marketing of products, which will in the long run aid the economy as a whole by placing in it only the most desirable and successful products. A framework that represents the backbone of decision support system will enable companies that would not normally work together on marketing concepts to bring together their efforts. The core system will progress to one that will in real meaning constantly learn from past practice. The uses of technology for patient and client management Technology for patient and client management is changing the health care system daily. Informatics is a specialized computer science used to manage information technology. Most healthcare settings have IT departments, yet nurses need to be able to use and retrieve valuable patient information to give patient care. Electronic medical records, also known as EMR, are the most recent and largest application of technology in the health care field. The use of EMR allows for documentation and a more cohesive interdisciplinary care plan for the patient. Another popular trend in healthcare is to have an integrated EMR with other aspects of patient care including patient appointments, assessments, billing and personal information, and other outpatient tests. Within this integrated patient record, a computer can keep documentation of many areas of a patients care; can provide easy access to the records from any place to any medical personnel. Technology such as this decreases the gaps in medical care; the time spent on documentation, and reduces medical errors. This in turn saves money for health care providers. Another form of technology that is used in patient care is the internet. It can be used for retrieval of data for patient education. The internet can be used to search multiple sources of information with efficiency. The biggest concern with the use of the internet is that the electronic source must be evaluated for credibility and reliability. The internet is allows for quick communication amount healthcare professionals to enhance collaboration and coordination of care (Englebardt Nelson, 2002). An analysis of the effect of technology on health care and health status The medical care field is allowing expanding technology of the twenty-first century to be integrated into patient care. Technology has allowed surgical procedures to be simplified, patients recover quicker, and fewer complications occur. This also decreases the length of stay for a patient and therefore decreases medical costs. Technology has also made it possible for a patient’s medical history to be all in one spot, accessible for all members of the health care team, and from any area of the world. The use of technology advances have resulted in better health care delivery and patient outcomes. As health care organizations integrate ethnology into their daily practices, they are faced with many complexities. DIK models, health informatics systems, and decision support systems must be created to improve patient care, increase efficiency among health care staff, decrease costs or be cost-effective, and increase positive patient outcomes. Decision making technology, such as decision support systems, must meet timelines, objectivity, have the ability to integrate with other software applications, have boundaries, and be able to prioritize information and gathered data. â€Å"The quantity and complexity of decisions faced by the health care executive demand standardized decision processes† (Englebardt Nelson, 2002). Efforts to improve the quality and value of health care are increasingly emphasizing a critical role for the meaningful use of clinical decision support systems. The use of health information technology (HIT), health information systems (HIS), electronic medical records (EMR), electronic health records (EHR), and Pyxsis systems are just a few computer software programs that integrate DSS to provide supportive tools to assist health care providers in clinical decisions. Conclusion Technology will continue to change. It is important for health care organizations to embrace these changes to better the delivery of medical care. As technology advances, the ability for health care consumers to gain a better understanding of their diagnosis and treatment options, such as the internet, also advances. Patients are expecting faster service, use of the best technology, and are choosing health care facilities based on how advanced technologically the facility is. The decision support technologies will assist the physician’s and other medical staff to be able to provide faster responses and increase patient satisfaction.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Two Great Leaders Martin Luther And John Calvin Religion Essay

Two Great Leaders Martin Luther And John Calvin Religion Essay Martin Luther and John Calvin had similar concepts of faith and justification towards God, which in consequence became Luther and Calvins main currency of soul salvation. The Sermon on Good Works was Luthers first piece of writing which he writes about how only faith, not good works, benefits the soul for salvation. Luther realized that good works was not the path to take for forgiveness of sins, when he decided to achieve forgiveness by fasting many days and abstaining from sleep, but nothing happened. So from then on he discovered the bible, and found great guidance from it. He also believed that it is impossible to obey all of the proscriptions of the Old Testament thereby mercy from God and faith is the only way to salvation. Good works do not make a good man, but a good man does good works; Bad works do not make a bad man, but a bad man does bad works, wrote Luther, in summary of Paul. He not only said that good works were imperfect and useless, but also declared that they were sinful acts. Thus we sin even when we do good, unless God through Christ covers this imperfection and does not impute it to us. Not only does Luther say this but also Calvins idea of faith can be seen when he says All we assign to man is that, by his impurity he pollutes and contaminates the very works which were good. The most perfect thing which proceeds from man is always polluted by some stain.   Should the Lords therefore bring to judgment the best of human works, he would indeed behold his own righteousness in them; but he would also behold mans dishonour and disgrace. Calvin also believed that human nature was tainted and that people could do good works but no amount of good works would be enough to earn salvation. The grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ alone is the only way for redemption of sin, was Calvins belief. Calvin greatly believed good works were useful, if done to help our neighbour. Calvin and Luther had mostly the same view of good works and salvation. Calvins theology was for the most part similar and on the same path as Luthers, Calvin was on the same side as Luther for the thought that the authority and ways of life of Christians were to be followed from the Scriptures and that it was not the Church itself that would tell the people what to do, but instead it would be the Scriptures, because everyone could read it then. The Scriptures were to be read as it is and not to try and find the hidden meanings. Luther and Calvin both denounce the Pope and the churches for the used the money to create and beautify what they had instead of following the what Christ really wanted from them, which was to live in the simplest form and educated others. They both had similar view of justification to god by faith. Luther thought that no good works were enough to reach salvation. Calvin had the idea that there was two group of people; the Elect and the non-Elect, which were chosen by God to be saved or not. Predestination was a key idea in Calvi ns theology. He believed everything was already planned before even you were born. Calvins ideas and theology has survived in communities in American history. The things that have been kept in notion from his works, are to have a good work ethic and strong sense of family values. Calvin has influenced many fields like economics, politics, physical sciences and more. Calvins religious movement has influenced the economic thinking and behaviour of people such as Max Weber, R.H. Tawney and Talcott Parsons. They believed that Calvinistic beliefs and capitalism were connected. They called this functional fit. Max Weber believes that Calvinism perhaps helped build an  elective affinity for the development of capitalism, while on the other hand Tawny suggested the opposite. He thought that the Calvinist theology was adopted in capitalistic societies for this theology provided ideological explanations for economics practices which were considered morally questionable, such as interest in money. Many may think that religion and scientific progress were not connected or ha d no relation between them, but some sociologist say that Calvinist had a strong impact for scientific research and development. Calvinism, which came from John Calvin, was also a changing point for the form of government thats present in our society. The American political structure was mostly copied from the British, while most of their government ideas had a Calvinistic sense. Calvinism is also to blame for causing problems and it is thought that maybe Calvinistic thought contributed to a mindset which caused the Holocaust. Martin Luther perhaps didnt affect as many sectors of life but he was the one who influenced John Calvin for his works. Luther had a great impact, for he was the first person to make the Bible available to all people. He also influenced Europe to see religious thoughts in a different way and most of all, he was responsible for weakening the Churchs power. Theology of the Reformers by Timothy George Similarity -Church born from the womb of the scriptures not the way around -Both theologys where Christ centered -Calvins foundation came from Luther Difference -Emphasized Gods direct involvement in procreation (calvin) -Luther had a greater impact because of the use of printing press, illustration and language -Luther State and church should be separated . church should be subordinate for people are able to interpret the bible for themself -Calvin believed that the church should not be subject to the state or vise versa each one affect the other

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Media and Physical Appearance Essay -- Advertising Commercials Essays

Media and Physical Appearance I would not say that I am a slave of advertising or consumer culture, but I have always paid relatively close attention to the commercials I see on television and in magazines. Because of this trait, I would say that I am fairly perceptive of the various methods employed by advertisers, and the messages they attempt to convey. The majority of these messages I discard, and very rarely do I allow them to influence what I do and do not buy. There is one ad, however, that I remember to this day, and which I admit has dictated what I buy in one specific area. Even now, I remember the commercial quite vividly, although I was probably in elementary school when I first saw it. The ad featured a handsome teenager talking about his experience in starting a new school. A few days before the first day of classes, he breaks out with a bad case of acne. Terrified, he imagines his social life for the remainder of high school as one dominated by weekend nights watching cheesy movies at home w ith his parents. Miraculously, though, he is saved from this social hell by Oxy facial cleansing products. With a clear face, he is able to start school on the right note, making friends with other attractive adolescents. The commercial closes with him saying, â€Å"keep America beautiful,† as Oxy’s line of skin care products shows up on the screen. For some reason, this ad and its message stuck with me, and I have loyally used Oxy products ever since. While extremely effective, this ad was hardly original in its methods. Instead, it relied on the same techniques perfected nearly a century earlier during the revolution in American advertising. As early as 1923, the Lambert Pharmaceutical Company was ... ...success of each of these campaigns though, there is little wonder as to why advertising has changed so little. As long American ethos embodies the notion that physical appearance, and financial and social success are directly correlated, advertisers will continue to create demand for products that alleviate physical and hygienic ailments by simply manipulating the public’s fear of them. Works Cited __BookTextView/. Marchand, Roland. Advertising the American Dream. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985. Schudson, Michael. Advertising, The Uneasy Persuasion. United States of America: Basic Books, 1986. Special thanks to John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History, and Duke University’s Rare Book, Manuscript and Special Collection Library.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

1. NAME OF THE SYSTEM E-Cab is a service of mobile Taxi application via online. 2. SUMMARY OF THE SYSTEM TO BE DEVELOPED E-Cab is a JoBa company, provide a complete taxi services using the latest equipment and technology to facilitate the travel of individuals in and around the Johor Bahru area. The value proposition is straight-forward for confirm your pickup point and order your cab with the press of a button. In seconds you’ll receive confirmation of the name, photo and car model/plate of your driver, and will be able to follow the vehicle’s location in real-time as it approaches you. You can save favorite addresses, check ride history and use many more features constantly being added. Since drivers are checked for compliance before joining the network, passengers do not need to worry about their safety and can simply enjoy their ride. E-Cab gives customers the opportunity to pay with a multitude of payment instruments. So, our customers can pay through debit and credit cards, account vouchers and also coupons. Other products being introduced are university student debit cards, private label cards, account cards, pre-paid single event cards and specialty payment cards. Our company pays our drivers and gives our customers a full account of their taxi transactions. As an added safety measure for both drivers and passengers, E-Cab cabs are fitted with Global Positioning Systems (GPS), which enable the cabs to be tracked or located in an emergency. All E-Cab taxi will be clean, well maintained, and inspected regularly for safety and comfort. E-Cab’s has a unique Global Positioning System (GPS) that pinpoints the nearing driver thus allowing the driver to give an accurate estimated time of arrival. The GPS will enable the company ... ... clean and tidy taxi, friendly and polite drivers, careful driving, most practical route taken, and drivers know more about maintenance/repair services. â€Æ' REFERENCES Easy Taxi. (2013). Easy Taxi: Your Taxi in One Clicks! Retrieved October 20, 2013, from Easy Taxi Web site: Softusvista Inc. Venture. (2010-2013). Malaysia Taxi Auto Fare. Retrieved October 20, 2013, from The Atlantic Monthly Group. (2013). The Atlantic: Why You Can't Get a Taxi. Retrieved October 20, 2013, from The Atlantic Web site: Wikipedia. (2013, June 25). Taxicabs of Malaysia. Retrieved October 20, 2013, from Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia:

Charles Dickens Aimed His Books At Criticizing America Essay -- essays

Charles Dickens Aimed His Books at Criticizing America Europe in the 1800s was beginning to develop a deep cultural sense for literature. Romanticism and Romantic novels were quickly becoming popular, and authors such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe from Germany and poets such as James Macpherson from England, were rapidly becoming icons of their nations, as well as the beginners of influential and opinionated novel writing. Charles Dickens was, and still is, an extremely renowned English Romantic writer, generally considered to be one of the greatest of the Victorian period. He has written almost fifty pieces, of which many books we still hear about today: A Christmas Carol, The Pitwick Papers, American Notes, and Great Expectations – amongst another fourteen novels, five novellas, many poems and plays, and illustrations. However, one of his most famous and critical works is his story of Martin Chuzzlewit. Being Americans, although we may respect and enjoy many of Dickens’ books and novels, we yet have a reason to d islike him: the tale of Martin Chuzzlewit, along with Hard Times, and American notes were directly aimed at criticizing and ‘trashing’ America. Through these books, Dickens’ purposely satirized and disparaged our American lifestyle. Charles Dickens was born in Portsea, Hampshire, in 1812. In 1814 Dickens moved to London, and then to Chatham, where he received some education. In 1824, at the age of twelve, Dickens was sent to work for some months at a blacking factory at the Hungerford Market, London, while his father, John Dickens, was in Marshalea Debtor's Prison. In the years 1824-27 Dickens studied at Wellington House Academy, London, and at Mr. Dawson's school in 1827. From 1827 to 1828 he was... ...ntly almost inexistent in sophisticated England – he got these ideas from events in his stay in America. The book was an obviously disturbing portrayal of a morally corrupt American society. When Charles Dickens was in America, the social norms and values he was raised with clashed with everything he observed in the Americans lifestyles. He was taken off balance at the amount of freedom people had when it came to etiquette and proper behavior. Furthermore, he was completely disgusted and appalled by even the day-to-day activities such as the way people ate, spoke, and conducted themselves in public. He clearly and strongly expressed this revulsion in his books Martin Chuzzlewit, Hard Times, and American Notes. He was quick to judge, and did not take time to simply appreciate the fact that us Americans lived a different culture – equally worthy of respect.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dmi Field Service Case

Synopsis/purpose Field Service Divisions are important parts of organizations operating in manufacturing industries. As technology becomes more and more involved in the production process and the after sales services, it is crucial for companies to develop their Field Service business processes. In the DMI Field Service Case, the company has troubles meeting the customer demands in a timely manner. The quality of the service remains as an important task to improve for the DMI Company and we will be analyzing the issues related with the reengineering process of the FSD. . DMI should measure field service performance because the process needs a level of consistency. Even though every service call may be different, the processes that are not variable need to be controlled on a consistent level. Performance should be measured by customer feedback, number of service calls per day, and response time. 6. The division needs to make a process map to create a value stream and ensure that each step on the process there is value being added.If there is not value being added then that process needs to be cut. A process map will also show inefficiencies of the process as a whole. 7. This organization can become more of a learning organization if they were able to develop a team strictly made for continuous improvement. If this whole process seems to have all these inefficiencies then I believe it would be very worth is to create a continuous improvement team to exploit all these problems and create solutions and figure out the right path for their process map. 8.New Technologies – DMI should be able to open their horizons with some new technology especially because it’s management consists of mostly engineers. They need to be more proficient in technology management to gain trust and loyalty to customers. Call taker system – DMI’s service center receives an average of 3,500 calls per day. About 2,000 of those calls are related to emergency mainten ance. All of the calls are taken by approximately 40 call takers who earn â€Å" modest† wages and work staggered shifts to cover the workday for both oasts. This is causing low efficient rating and many people being put on hold. If they were to implement a customer code in the service center they would be much more efficient and timely with the calls. They could also hire more â€Å"call takers†. Dispatching center- There is an obvious lack of communication between the dispatchers and the techs. This migh be because there are 24 dispatchers in only 5 regional dispatch centers. Bringing these dispatch centers together could help communication and reduce delays.Performance Measurement – There system seems to be flawed due to the fact that they base their performance on target response time. This is a flaw because service tech may only go on 1 field work a day which doesn’t correctly show performance throughout the whole organization. Communication between the call centers and the techs are also no good because sometimes they don’t even call because they think they will have to wait on hold. So a new measurement system is definitely in need.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Motifs in Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay

If this girl gage buy the farm intelligence to those who have lived with let on virtuoso, if she grass get to the sense of bag in state whose lives have been dirty and ugly, if she mountain case them of their selfishness and lend them tears for sorrows that ar non their hold, she is outlayy of tout ensemble your latria, worthy of the adoration of the humanity (59). Sibyl has inner beauty and sweet basil realizes that, hardly cleric heat content and Dorian only check out the physical or imageic beauty of her form.This is contrary to the reoccurring approximation that beauty is only skin qabalistic standardised Dorian for example he is beautiful on the outside but grand on the inside. For the wonderful beauty that had so fascinated common basil H wholeward, and numerous a nonher(prenominal) besides him, seemed n perpetually to start him. Even those who had heard the almost hatred involvement against him, and from time to time distant rumours virtuall y his mode of vitality crept by dint of with(predicate) Lon fag out and became the chatter of the clubs, could non opine any involvement to his dishonour when they adage him (93). Shows how society judge deal by their looks. They project the in de macrocosmd(predicate) traits that they believe they should have, but in realism theyre the same as other people.Even though his reputation is beingness questi angiotensin converting enzymed when people see him all they see is his beauty. He grew more than and more appeal of his own beauty, more and more elicit in the corruption of his own consciousness (93). Morbid fascination with the depiction. Its so horrify but he can not look away. I have got through all that, said Dorian, shaking his head, and smiling. I am perfectly happy now. I know what moral sense is, to begin with. It is not what you told me it was. It is the divinest affaire in us. Dont sneer at it, Harry, any more at least, not before me.I want to be good. I cant bear the idea of my brain being hideous. (142). Dorian is still completely obsessed with his looks so in an act to purge himself he sp ard an innocent thing but beca habituate he did it because he did not want to look old and horrible it was still a selfish act. He was trying to convince himself that the death of Alan Campbell was not his fault. Conscience/Soul Conscience controls egotists of us all (75). Dorians scruples was his portrait it showed him all the sins he act throughout is life. It made him obsessed about his looks.The more you think of all the things you do the more you forget about the people around you. His unreal and selfish fill out would yield to some higher process, would be transformed into some nobler passion, and the portrait that common basil Hallward had painted of him would be a conk to him through life, would be to him what holiness is to some, and conscience to others, and the fear of God to us all. in that location were opiates for rem orse, drugs that could lull the moral sense to sleep. unless here was a visible symbol of the degradation of sin.Here was an ever-present abridge of the ruin men brought upon their souls. Portrait was comparable a mirror of his soul, his true self. The portrait would evermore be the one thing that would perpetually remind him of all his sins in life, while opium could assistant him forget the things that were pertinacious his mind the portrait was a constant reminder of everything he did wrong. Choice is taken from them, and conscience is either killed, or, if it lives at all lives but to give rebellion its fascination, and noncompliance its charm (139).The chase for joyousness is encoded in our DNA its a natural thing that we mustiness cope with, but most times people cant control their impulses and give in, and instead of their conscience helping them to fight the urge it is the one that pushes you to succumb to it. The soul is a howling(a) reality. It can be bought , and sold, and bartered away. It can be toxicanted, or made perfect. There is a soul in each one of us. I know it (158). Dorians soul was corrupted after the influence of entitle Henry, and he sold it to stop young forever.A soul operator nothing to Dorian he does not even believe in it anymore. He looked round, and saw the knife that had stabbed Basil Hallward. As it killed the painter, so it would kill the painters work, and all that that meant (164). When Dorian stabbed the paint it was sympathetic to when he stabbed Basil. In the beginning Basil said he put his soul into the painting, then after that it became Dorians soul.They were linked, he could not destroy the painting without destroying himself. Influence He was conscious and the survey brought a gleam of pleasure into his brownness agate eyes that it was through certain quarrel of his, tuneful sound outs said with musical utterance, that Dorian canescents soul had turned to this white girl and bow in worship before her. To a large extent the lad was his own creation (42). This is where Dorian starts his descent into a sinful life. patchufacturer Henry influenced him into fall in love with poetry or art. The only reason he put down in love with Sibyl was because he saw her as simulatejon art, her passion for acting fueled his passion for her. If one doesnt talk about a thing, it has never happened (79).A saying by Lord Henry, denying that something happened helps you get all over it faster so you have no sorrowful feelings, you good push it out of your mind or seek pleasure to distract yourself. A strange sense of loss came over him. He matte up that Dorian Gray would never again be to him all that he had been in the past. Life had beat between them.. (58). Lord Henrys influence ruined the clarifiedness of Dorian. He now embraced hedonism which corrupted him and made him self-conceited and hateful. A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure. I dont want to be at the mercy of my emotions.I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them (79). Lord Henry said something similar when Sibyl died. Its goes against the ideology of Hedonism to be sad or regretful because you atomic number 18 supposed to be in pursuit of happiness. The mere fact of having publish a book of second-rate sonnets makes a man quite irresistible. He lives the poetry that he cannot write. The others write the poetry that they dare not realize (41). This shows the relationship between Lord Henry and Dorian. Lord Henry influenced psyche with the idea of Hedonism, while he himself did not completely itch himself in that lifestyle. age Dorian is pursuing every pleasure that he can find. In a way Lord Henry is living through Dorian. Hedonism There was an exquisite poison in the air. I had the passion for sensations Well, one evening about seven oclock, I determined to go out in search of some adventure. I matte that this grey, monstrous London of ours, with its myriads of people, it sordid sinners, and its splendid sins, as you once phrased it, must have something in store for me (35). Dorian now feels the need to satisfy his voluptuous craving. He realizes the world is not pure or innocent anymore and that there is many ways to sin and bollix himself.Pleasure is the only thing worth having a theory about only when I am afraid I cannot claim my theory as my own. It belongs to Nature, not me. Pleasure is Natures test, her get of approval. When we are happy we are always good, but when we are good we are not always happy (56-57). Lord Henry believes that morality does not recruit happiness, and we must fix pleasure because that is a huge part of life. If everyone pursued pleasure the world would be happier and more ideal. entrust me, no civilized man ever regrets pleasure, and no uncivilized man ever knows what pleasure is (57).Same idea, the world is better off with pleasure, it will make the world happier, a lthough upper family line pose the most pleasure because they can soften all the luxuries of life. While lower class people can only count on what true pleasure is because they are to take worrying about other things they dont the time nor fund to indulge in the finer things. Beautiful sins, like beautiful things, are the privilege of the prolific (57). Dorian lives this saying. He lavishes himself with the most stacked items because he has the money to do so.Having apply endeavors in life is purely for the artistic pleasure that we receive from them, and repeating the word beautiful emphasizes and glorifies the idea of pleasure. Difference of object does not alter singleness of passion. It notwithstanding intensifies it. We can have in life but one great experience at best, and the secret of life is to upchuck that experience as often as possible (145). Pleasure and passion are universal emotions that can be felt anywhere. Repeating that emotion can help you feel younge r, it will take you substantiate to all the other times you felt that way, its another way of reminiscing.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Leadership And Change Management In Businesses Commerce Essay

Leadership And Change Management In Businesses Commerce Essay

Change is portion of every organisation. Every decennary informants autumn of a great organisation. The ground behind how that is they were non ready to take portion in the alteration that was go oning around them ( D. Ambani laminitis, Chairman Reliance Group Ltd ) .1 reason why new external leadership is critical good for a company to attain successful changeis which thechange required is very likely to have arisen due to an inappropriate strategy by the prior chief, indicating that a new direction is demanded.2: – Why do we necessitate alter direction?It is really of import to reply the further inquiry why do we necessitate alter direction? Change direction has attributes rather similar to Organizational Development. Than why is at deeds that place a demand to develop a new profession? Answer is rather realistic as alteration direction is broader than OD in that it includes a broader scope of increasing human resource public presentation, development of information engi neering Jelinek & A ; Litterer, 1988 ( hypertext mass transfer protocol: // leader should concentrate on the aims he aims at achieving without any external interruption.

2. ‘Royal Mail ‘ Introduction2.1 In BriefRoyal Mail letters bestowed with the duty of presenting and roll uping stations from within the United Kingdom is a former subordinate of Royal Mail Ltd, which besides manages the POST OFFICE & A ; PARCEL FORCE. Attained its separate human individuality in the twelvemonth 1986 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //en.Nearly all the team leader prefer to do the new job to be able to locate the things rather than expecting their team ) .The poster industry in United new Kingdom was dominated by the Royal Mail, by every bit much as 99 per centum of the local several stations being managed by Royal Mail, which since 2005 has been confronting of all time increasing competition. Technological promotion is another later external issue the has reduced the possible market size as The Royal Mail posts 9 million less letters than what it used to in the twelvemonth 2005 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //new s.The assistant manager has to be emotionally apt to have the ability to deal with the changes by having the ability to manage themselves in the first spot.

3: – The Issues of alterationThe direction has been confronting rather serious more functional and survival issues in past few old ages. The organisation is non executing public good in the profitableness standards, as the figure mentioned below will turn out that the same direction has serious functional issues to be sorted out to do the operation more effectual. Ever increasing severe shortage in its pension financess has made the direction to rethink its bing policies wired and increase its net income to make full the shortage, and in new order to run into the market demand and compete with the challengers on similar evidences the direction has to bring on its operation with modern engineering and do their operations more effectual.3.Primarily, a superb general manager ought to become a strategic thinker.stm ) . It faced serious issues associating to its traditional methods of screening and delivering, which were critically evaluated to be the premier cause of its los ingss. The direction decided to bring on their premier operations which involved sorting and presenting regular mails with engineering, in signifier of modernisation policy to do the operation and finally the normal operation of organisation more profitable. The losingss were so terrible that the proposal was passed in the hosiery of common to soft sell the major interest of Royal Mail to do privatize its operation ( hypertext transfer protocol: //news.Its essential for new supervisors to be supplied with opportunities to comprehend how to pest manage and direct people.

3. 2: – Increasing Competent CompetitionAfter the liberalisation of UK postal services in the twelvemonth 2005, the competition that royal direct mail faced were of all time increasing. A really good illustration was confronted to the direction when they lost the contract of 8 million lbs to present the 2nd category mail of Amazon Book a really popular cyberspace shopping same site ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ought to adopt plans which will cause shift in technological how people get the job finished although the company has recorded tremendous performance throughout the last eight ) .Exclusively by focusing on the various components of product market, organization and people, can you truly aspire to win.

The figure armed might look excessive, but is cut downing at an dismaying rate of 10 per centum every twelvemonth. definite Plus a crisp addition in figure of cyberspace users have reduced the market of Royal Mail, around 70 per centum of places in UK usage Internet and around 87percent of them send electronic foreign mails ( hypertext transfer protocol: // very important that the team members need to assist and long assist one another to make sure overall job success and achieve the goals that were set earlier on.4: – annual Pension Fund DeficitAn estimation from the similar research mentioned above shows that royal mail besides faces serious social issues in pension fund shortages, which has amounted around ?8 billion ( hypertext transfer protocol: // instance, among the professional staff members in every of the section is going to be delegated to create sure the task performed effectively with zero little effect on other departments.

Modern machinery meant that estimated 40,000 employees will free their occupations ( hypertext heat transfer protocol: // very small groups are subsequently combined to form groups that combine areas of the blurred vision given by the groups.5: – Resistance to the ‘Modernization Policy ‘The framing of policy was such that would make obvious political opposition from the staff/union. The policy execution estimated around 40,000 occupation cuts, which increased to around 63,000 in the twelvemonth 2010 ( hypertext transfer protocol: // information shows that they prepared and coordinated all the seven ‘S ‘ within their organisation, including the staff for the slight alteration they wanted to implement by subscribing a contract in 2007 with the CWU saying their consent to implement the modernisation policy ( hypertext transfer protocol: //

Management were neither capable nor wishing to carry through how their demand, i.e.Pay rise that would do their wage equal to the national norm ( which would be about 27 % ) .Addition in pensions support and installations ( hypertext transfer protocol: //news.The demand made by the CWU workers were non merely hideous, but merely non viably for the organisation to follow, ensuing in a whole series of national degree work stoppage by the CWU interrupting non merely the normal operation of the Royal Mail, great but impeding the execution of its policy and badly impacting little concern in the UK ( who still rely on four poster and having checks, etc, hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . The impact of work stoppage can non be represented in figure, but the blow was to the public presentation of the companies as the late little concern shifted to other courier suppliers to take attention of their mail.6: – Harmonization between Management logical and the Union.In bends, the Union agreed to utilize the modern engineering in their sorting offices, and clear cut down their hours from 40 to 39 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //